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Auld Lang Syne

By Beatrice Bezmalinovic posted 10-25-2013 10:01


Today marks the first day of the US Government’s fiscal new year. Auld Lang Syne seems like a fitting song to mark the closing of FY2013 and to celebrate the start of FY 2014. We usually sing Auld Lang Syne at New Year’s but the song is also sung at funerals, graduations, and other ceremonies marking a farewell or ending.

Both FY2013 and FY2014 started off on a bad note and many predicted that budget sequestration would make for a bad year for business.  

 Now that FY 2013 the year is over, there is a chance to assess how the year went as we prepare for the year ahead.

 There has been a lot of speculation, but not a lot real data about how FY 2013 went.                                                                         

  • Were there fewer bidding opportunities? Was that true for you?
  • Anecdotally, some organizations say that FY2013 was fine. Was that true for your organization or did you struggle?
  • How did the combination of USAID Forward budget shifts toward local groups and USG budget cuts affect different types of bidders? How did it affect your organization?

We launch this blog on "New Year’s Day" with the resolution to provide tools and share experiences to make business development more intelligent. Over the next few months, we will be posting tips, tools and resources to make your work more efficient, strategic, or effective.

What about you? What’s your FY2014 resolution?

